The Last HOPE (2008): “How to Talk to the Mainstream Media” (Download)


The Last HOPE (2008): “How to Talk to the Mainstream Media” (Download)

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Sunday, July 20, 2008: 10:00 am (Turing): Why bother with the mainstream media? Because that’s where the audience is. Only a tiny percentage of blogs have sizable audiences and even the biggest of those are dwarfed by the audiences for TV news or the circulations of the larger dead-tree newspapers and magazines. Even online, websites run by mainstream media organizations are major players. If you’re interested in getting your point across to as many people as possible, this talk will improve your chances by telling you what professional journalists want and why, how you can help give it to them, and what pitfalls to avoid. Also: how to become a TV pundit!Hosted by Stephen Cass

The Last HOPE (2008): "How to Talk to the Mainstream Media" (Download)
